Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It's that time of year again! Please feel free to help me reach my goal of raising $2,000.00 for American Cancer Society. Our Team Name this year is Hopeful Helpers.

Relay For Life Vitals:
Date: June 4-5, 2011
Time: Noon-6AM
Location: Bethel Lutheran School, Morton IL
Who: EVERYONE, even if you cannot stay all night or cannot come at all. You are welcome to participate and donate money or do your own fundraising.
Why: Cancer affects everyone in one way or another. This is a step towards finding a cure and helping others along the way.

Use The Following Links as you see fit.
My Reason to Relay: MY WEBSITE

Wanna participate? JOIN MY TEAM

Can't participate but want to help me reach my fundraising goal? DONATE

Want to honor someone who has lost their battle or is fighting their battle with cancer? You can purchase a luminaria that will be lit for them at Relay: PURCHASE LUMINARIA

Thank you all so much for your support!

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