Saturday, January 31, 2009


It's a Birthday Party!!! my not so little little brother is turning 18! I cannot believe he has been around for 18 years. Monday is the actual birthday, but you cannot have a surprise party for a high schooler on a school night, so we did it early.
Our family and slew of Bryce's football buddies and schoolmates and many of their parents gathered at my mom's house and huddled in the stairwell and kitchen waiting for the Birthday boy to show up. We had his girlfriend and another couple trick him into thinking that they were taking him to FlatTop for his birthday dinner. They then convinced him that they needed to stop by mom's house to pick up some video games before dinner. He (like me) does NOT like a change of plans, and when i called him to ask him to come visit me and Zach at mom's house, he was not to into it. I know he loves us, but FlatTop is that good. He was dead set on going to Flat Top and told me that he might come over afterwards if i was still there but they were going to eat. But, his wonderful friends were the drivers so much to his disappointment he made a pit stop at Mom's house.
The door opens and all the lights are off, but Micah, Zach and I were sitting in the living room...couldn't make it too obvious, but since mom didn't want to turn the living room lights on, we were sitting in darkness except for a few christmas decor lit up. (yes i know mom is slow on the removal of Christmas) He opens the door, is not slightly concerned that there are about 25 pairs of shoes in the doorway, and then attacked by his friends screaming SURPRISE.
Was he excited? Of course not, because like me...he doesn't like changing plans and he really doesn't like having to miss eating at FlatTop. But he warmed up and mingled...and kept the complaining to a minimum. Bubba We will get you FlatTop soon i promise.
Food and fun was to follow. Another surprise was that Mom had a friend of ours make Bryce his own Football Memory video. Zach is WONDERFUL at what he does, and the end product was awesome. We all sat around watching pictures of Bryce growing up and a whole bunch of him playing like a RockStar throught his football career. Mom also decided to volunteer me to read an edited version of this. The video is really cool and it even has a video of Bryce awards ceremony for football as well as come of the state game.
It was all in all a wonderful evening and I wish it lasted all week long. Because all Birthday's should last a whole week (or month). But his Birthday Sibling date will be coming soon so we will continue the celebration. Sorry Micah we will probably be at Flat Top.

Here are a few more pics from the evening...High Schoolers really don't like big sisters taking pictures so I only got a few and mom got the rest (i guess it is ok for Mom's to take pictures)

The Cake...that i didn't eat, but the frosting was goodThanks for smiling Nick :o) I knew i always liked you. Bryce Looks so happy too huh?
Some of the shoes
My favorite people
Bryce is making a wonderful face in this picture....because they love each other....and the next picture explains the laughing.
Brother-in-Law's special
Have I said that I love my family yet? I do. Happy Birthday week Bryce

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sibling favorite thing about IL

Like I have said many times before....I love my brothers to death. In order to actually spend quality time with them, we try to have sibling dates whenever possible. We have camped, done movies, dinner, hung out at the know, fun bonding time always. I missed them sooo much while we were in Cali so we were due for a sibling date upon my return.

This week we chose to go to Flat Top Grill (my choice due to it being a joint birthday celebration/sibling date. Micah is the only one who dislikes this place :o) But he suffered through for me.

Because I like to document...there are a few pictures from the evening.
Micah, Me, Bryce, Rachel (Bryce's girlfriend of forever so she qualifies as family), Zach. Missing for the evening was Brittany (Zach's girlfriend who has been around forever as well and also qualifies as family) Missed you Brit!
The boys annoyed with my photo taking...and claiming that it is not ok for 'dudes to take pictures together' but i made them do it anyhow. Didn't make them hug or anything, maybe next time!
Micah telling me to stop taking pictures :o) He loves me, and he KNEW what he was getting into when he married me. In fact, I was worse before we got married.
Bryce playing a special child and Rachel second guessing her choice to date him :o) Putting on his fat face and dumb look....typical Metamora footballer. Haha and Bubba, you look about 10 years younger and 50 pounds heavier in this picture than you do in real life. somewhat humerus :o) Love you

We have been so busy since we have been home that I am actually sleeping through the night. Every night. Kinda weird waking up at 6:30 and realizing that i had not been up at all before that. In Cali I would be up about every hour or so.....not anymore. Thanks for the fun times brothers and brothers girlfriends :o) I cannot wait for the next one....

Sorry Mom....we didn't invite you because it is a SIBLING date. When we have a FAMILY date we will let you know, but for now its just the 'kids' as Bryce likes to say.

Our last few days in Cali

The last week we were in Cali was spent cleaning and preparing for the movers, however, we left some time for fun. I was working 2 of the days and we didn't get to do everything we had hoped, but the important things happened.

We had a nice night out with Debbie and Ben...Fondue. It was probably the best meal I had while living in San Diego!! (Thanks so much Ben and Debbie) We then said goodbye to Home Improvement (Sunday School) and Church...the two things we will miss most, including the friends we have made there.

Us with Ben and Debbie! You two are the best and we will be sure to visit ASAP. Or you could just come play in our cold snow :o)

Then we hung out with Billy and Mallory. Went to see Seven Pounds (amazing) and of course found time for food. The hit place in San Diego is called the Hash House. People wait for house to get the OVERSIZED meal. I didn't think it was too yummy and my tummy didn't either. BUT we went, and that is all that matters.

My eggs and a biscuit with some mashed potatoes. I basically enjoyed the potatoes and fruit because everything else just didn't hit the spot.
Mallory's pancake. Yes it is really THAT big. I think she ate about a fourth of it.
Micah and his 1 pound burger. Hopefully this is make him never want a burger again :o)

Possibly the reason i didn't enjoy my food at all....I was thoroughly disgusted...ugh and just thinking about it now makes it all come back. YUCKY.

We will definitely miss Cali and our friends there. But we plan on making MANY (sorry Micah) trips to visit all the wonderful people we have met. A little San Diego is always in our heart.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Samuel Nicholas

Our Precious little Nephew was born on November 16th, but we have not been able to see him until now! Almost 2 months old and he is quite the delight. Micah sure has taken a liking to him as well ;o) But we are keeping our 5 year plan = no little family additions until the 5 years are up.

Here is the sweet little pumpkin:

Makes me miss my job...where i get to play with little ones all day (and there's no competition to hold them)

Monday, January 5, 2009


Not literally, but when I think about it...I don't really know where home is yet. yes yes, Home is where the heart is BUT my goodness my heart is in sooo many places these days: I have a little bit of heart in Kenosha, WI where I spent 4 wonderful years of my life. I have a little bit of heart in Metamora where I lived and enjoyed the neighborhood for a few summers. I have some heart left in my brothers house in Peoria (AKA my old house before Dad bought a house in Metamora). A little bit of heart in Germantown where I spent 17 years of my life. 3 months worth of heart in England with the Duffy's and all of the other wonderful families that I love and miss dearly. 4 months (A TON) of heart in San Diego where I fell in love with my church, work, friends, and husband (haha ok I loved him in all the other locations too, BUT he was not my husband then). And now some new heart in Morton where we are currently settling.

I could go to any of the above places and feel as if I was 'home' but feel homeless without all of them. Good thing I now have a little bit of a constant with the hubby moving by my side...its helps a teeny bit (love ya babe).

Needless to say, we are making a home in Morton, currently. Queenwood Road...I don't know how I feel about you yet BUT we will surely be saying goodbye in a few months so I promise not to get too attached. We are lucky enough to have an Aunt who owns duplexes and was willing to rent to us until we find a house. Talk about stress relief knowing that you have somewhere to stay without running about searching for somewhere to live that won't make you sign your life away for a year. With our lifestyle these days, its really hard to commit to 6 months, let alone a year. So we will live here and love it while we search for a house to call our home next...

We got in yesterday and are currently waiting on our belongings to appear sometime this week. We have said our goodbyes in CA and are now saying a lot of hello's to the ones we missed in IL(family and friends) and the ones we didn't miss (freezing cold, snow, boring flat farmland, lack of fun places to visit...etc.) When we moved to CA we would meet people and say that ALL of our friends and family were back in the Midwest, but now that is far from the truth. We have some friends in CA, some friends in WI, some friends in other rather random places (MO, AZ, TX...) some friends in England, and some friends in IL....I guess that is a good thing. We have a lot of places to visit when we get bored with where we are (very common occurrence for myself).

So here we start a new chapter in our lives...I am sure it will be quite eventful :o)

Pray For:
  • safe driving here in IL with Ice and Snow that we are NOT used to anymore.
  • Fun in school for myself (taking A class that I need to apply for PA and PT schools).
  • A job that will work with my schedule and keep me entertained.
  • A church that we both call ours.
  • A house that fits our budget and needs.
  • Micah adjusting to a new job with new people at a new facility.
  • My sanity while unpacking (the things we need for our stay in this duplex) and repacking (all of the things that we don't need right now, but were with the things we do need therefore they were unpacked to find the things we needed and now must be repacked in order to be stored until we move) Now you understand the need for sanity :o)
  • My puppy (we don't really have a puppy but I want one so I pray for the one that I may someday have when i convince my husband that it is a necessary expense...which probably won't happen until we have our own house and the weather is nice so we can potty train without freezing to death) Most likely the insanity, caused by the above prayer requests, has caused me to create the perfect little imaginary puppy in my head that I am asking you to pray for...haha
Whitney/Micah/Janssen/Roeschley Lifetime Happenings Chapter 39,826,109,023 begins Now.....