Monday, March 23, 2009

Food anyone?

We don't always eat healthy (at the request of my husband) but I try to throw in a few meals every now and then. The following is a favorite of both of ours so I figured I would share it with the rest of you as well.

If you like fish I can promise you this will be a big hit.

Spicy Baked Tilapia


1 teaspoon salt

3/4 teaspoon paprika

3/4 teaspoon onion powder

3/4 teaspoon dry mustard

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1/2 teaspoon cumin

1/2 teaspoon basil

3/4 teaspoon italian seasoning

1/2 cup breadcrumbs

3 tablespoons sliced green onions (didn't have so i didn't use)

1 tablespoon dried parsley flakes

4 (4 ounce) tilapia fillets


Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.

In a small bowl combine all of the spices, breadcrumbs, etc. (everything but the fish)

3. Coat the fish in the spice mixture. You can either do this by shaking in a bag or by dipping the fish in the bowl to coat it.

Shake off any excess.

Place the fish on a baking pan that has been sprayed with non-stick spray (or us foil to cover the pan)

Bake for 6 minutes.

Turn over and bake for 4 minutes.

Turn over again and bake until flaky, about 4 more minutes.

Serve immediately.

I also served steamed brown rice, steamed broccoli, and steamed mushrooms. Micah at it all (even if i had to threaten him if he didn't eat his broccoli) Haha, he is not much of a veggie eater, but admits it was all very good.

The best part is: the fish is only about 200 Calories so if you serve it with healthy sides you have a yummy nutritious meal! Enjoy!!!

And a little fun in between

With the crazy schedules we all have it has been rather hard to get together with friends...BUT we still try to find the time. One weekend Micah had a craving for bowling. We decided just the two of us going would not be as exciting so we decided to drag the Mooney's along with us.

Now, bowling has never been my favorite thing to do, but I tried to humor them by participating. I cringe at the thought of actually trying to bowl well. The only bowling i have done in the last 8 years has been with Camp of Champions....if you call that bowling. Of course we only use lanes with bumpers because we have 7 kids per lane under the age of 10. And no one actually tries...well maybe the boys do, but the girls just sit and do each others hair and have to be reminded that it is their turn to bowl...and then they beg someone else to go for them. Needless to say, bowling without bumpers was quite the challenge.

But it was fun. And if anyone lives in Morton, you can bowl at their little shack of a bowling alley on saturday nights for $16 (includes shoe rental and crazy lighting as well as unlimited games from 9-11:30.) We got our money's worth.
Jennie is excited to bowl!
Me acting thrilled
Dave telling me to put the camera away, and then struggles to bowl because of the bright flash
Micah trying to look macho
The final score of the first game. NOTE: I didn't lose. Also note that this was the ONLY game i didn't lose :o)
David pouting because he lost to me....only once of course :o)
Disclaimer: Morton bowling alley is usually full of Teeny-boppers or older drunk people so it can be a bit unruly at time. I would recommend the Christian Center in Peoria if you have a chance to go there instead!

Job #2

Since babysitting full time and going to school part time is not enough to fill my schedule, I decided to take on a second job. Luckily 1 week after applying, Proctor hired me in their Emergency Room. So now I am actually using my EMT license inside the hospital.

It's definitely no Rady Childrens...although we do get a few little ones...but I am sure I will love it for what it is. And it takes up more of my time so I cannot complain of boredom.

I will be working some second shifts, third shifts, and weekends as needed for now...and then we will see what happens in the summer after I get rid of the twins. Today was my first day working a full shift and it was quite interesting. I met many wonderful, many interesting, and many old smelly people....but it is all part of the job. And I must come across nice because one little old lady tried to tip me for being 'such a little sweetheart' too bad we can't take tips lol.

I am sure i will be worn out by the end of the week because lifting people 3 times my size, pushing them around the halls, running around up, down, side to is all quite tiring.

We will see how I'm doing after a few weeks of work school and babysitting...If i make it that far

Job #1

In January, I started taking a class at ICC (need it to get into PT or PA school). It took up a little bit of time, but not enough so it was time to get a job. Since there are about 5 jobs available in Peoria and I qualify for zero of them, I started looking for the childcare jobs. Well turns out a friend of mine was thinking about using me if she kicked her nanny to the curb...haha but after discussing the fact that i would not be available once i get into full time school we decided it was not the best plan because she would be stuck without childcare. So she is dealing with her nanny and Her sister decided i would be perfect for her kids. So I am not the proud teacher/playmate/nanny/babysitter/caregiver/mediator for her twins. She has 5 year old girls who I am attempting to prepare for kindergarten.

Little Miss Caitlin
My morning starts by getting them showered and ready for the day. Now this should not be a difficult task but when you have 2 high maintenance girls it can be quite the chore. Delaney's hair is very curly and needs special shampoo and about 3 different products after the shower. Caitlin's blond straight hair must be blow dried and curled under to her satisfaction (with a special shampoo). And of course they have bows to match every outfit....that is once we find an outfit. They are polar opposites so it is rather had to get them dressed. Delaney is very style oriented and she does a rather good job picking out her outfits on her own...Caitlin on the other hand...she will have about 20 outfits on before she finds one that is just right. My assistance is requested however i don't think she really listens to anything i say and is almost always appalled by my input. Reminds me a lot of a little Sophie Ann in England. But it makes me smile.
Sassy Delaney

Then of course 2 hours later we can eat breakfast and basically run out the door to get to playgroup on time. So for an hour I can relax before I pick them back up from playgroup. then it is off to the house to clean our rooms, make our beds, decide what we want for lunch, and then begin the battle of eating veggies. Delaney likes her vegetables but Caitlin is not the biggest fan. She will spit them in the garbage when I'm not looking. hide them in her pockets, under napkins, or on her sisters plate. So when she says she is finished i usually have to frisk her before she can get up from the table... seriously healthy eating habits should not be this hard to teach but i guess if her parents don't make her eat them then she really doesn't know why she has to for me.
Trying to take a picture but Caitlin got distracted (very common occurrence)

Once lunch is over it is time for 'school'. They girls know the routine and get their school stuff and are ready to learn. Through this time i have discovered that I am not going to be a homeschooling mother because i would rip my hair out...and I am not having twins because it is quite the challenge....and I have realized that Marti (in England) is a SAINT.

Sometimes we get to sit in time out for coloring on the counter...
After school they get to play inside or out depending on the weather...I am not a fan of TV so they only get to watch if they have been perfect for the whole day, the weather is horrid, or i have a sprained ankle and cannot chase them around like I normally can. The girls are not ones to play with each other or on their own...I am 99.9% of the time forced/asked to join in on whatever crazy fun they are having. The other .1% of the time I am doing dishes and cleaning for their parents. (I would rather clean up in your house Holli, your kids didn't make nearly as big of a mess, and you were tidy yourself so i didn't have to clean up after you too haha). But the girls have caught on the cleaning and i am so proud. They now pick up after themselves (sometimes i must remind them kindly that nothing new can come out til the other toys go 'home') But with my organization obsession all their toys have a home and the girls know where the home is so it doesn't just get tossed around. I think their parents were rather shocked when they first came home to a clean house, but i guess the girls only stay organized for me and when I'm gone for the weekend I come back to a disaster. But they pick it up rather quickly once i get there...they know better they just don't have anyone else reminding them so they would rather not keep it clean.

We take field trips...Whitney errands are their favorite because they get to see what I do as a 'big kid', but we also LOVE the park and Library.

It keeps me busy and I love their sweetness. They are quite sassy at times but it is always entertaining. I will be sad when summer comes and I am no longer needed. But they assure me that i will be able to swim at their house with them all summer (haha yea maybe once but that will probably be it).

A warm weekend in FREEZING Kenosha

Sometimes you just need time away with some great friends. It has been entirely too long since I lived in Kenosha with some of the most amazing people I have ever met. I didn't realize how much I missed being in Kenosha until I was back.

It all worked out wonderfully with schedules and getting everyone into town at once. I was really in need of a bridesmaid weekend and it could not have been better. I drove the horrid 5 hour(should have been 3 hour) drive up to WI to be greeted by my favorite roommate...Laura Lu. She was kind enough to be my roommate once again for the weekend. It was so nice to just catch up for the evening and play with her little puppy. It was also exciting because another wonderful friend, Brit, is now Laura's new roommate so I got to see her too. It really is a huge adjustment from College to real life. You get used to being able to run down the hall and have 50 wonderful friends there whenever you need them...then being stripped of that luxury is really difficult.
Mike taking out the puppy so we didn't have to freeze :o)
My favorite roommate Laura!
Saturday we spent the day running around town, shopping, enjoying life in Kenosha, and just remembering the good old days. In the evening we joined up with the rest of the bridesmaids and friends. It was Courtney's birthday so we all went to our favorite Mexican place in Racine, Hose's Blue Sombrero. It was just as wonderful as I remember, and then we all headed to the house (the place to be across from campus).
Part of the group- Mal and her BF, Court, Kyle and Brit...
missing Liz, Laura, Mike, Dave, Sarah, and James
Myself and the Birthday girl - Court
XO's Brit and Liz
Sunday was spent on campus visiting with the XO sisters who remain. It was great to run around the floor and see happy faces. I just couldn't get enough and 1 weekend was just not enough time. We tried not to spend too much time in rooms on the floor since the whole group had be struck by the Pink Eye...thats the bad think about living on campus. You share your closets, secrets, and germs hah. All of the ladies were getting ready for their final recruitment party and they got some WONDERFUL new sisters. I miss you all and am so proud of how you are leading Chi Omega.

Laura-thanks for the wonderful weekend and for being an incredible host.
Court- I am so glad i got to celebrate your birthday with you! Love you
Liz- i wish i was still in San Diego so i could see you every other week when you are there on business...maybe we can convince Micah i need to be back there!!!
XO's - miss you all and love you all
Mike - thanks for letting me claim your girlfriend for the weekend :o) And thanks for the frosted animal crackers haha.