Saturday, June 30, 2007

I'm worn out...

Another eventful week passes, but this time not many pictures :o) You will thank me later…

Saturday we went to the park with the girls and left them with Kevin so that Cathy and I could go shopping/looking. We ended up in a nearby town called Stamford. It was the most phenomenal place I have seen thus far. The brick streets were lined with stone buildings and I was immediately in love. After getting out of the car we walked the streets and went into the row of shops. There were many antique stores as well as shops with purses and clothing. Everything was quite impressive, and the shoes here are about 100 times better than those in the states. We even found a shop for children, which was full of PINK. Of course the first thing I exclaimed was “CATHY I want a little girl so I can come here and dress her in all of these pink cutie outfits…and the shoes, oh the shoes. Do they have these in my size?” After laughing for a while Cathy shut me up by showing me a price tag of a shoe that was not even 4 inches long and covered in pink beads and sequins….£120 = $241.12. I have chosen to stick with BabyGAP when I have children :o)….

We then ate at a little restaurant called Pizza Express. It was quite delightful as our table overlooked the small river/creek that flowed through the center of the town. Had we not finished our food and needed to get home, I could have stayed there for hours just looking out the window.

After shopping we headed home when I was dropped off to experience a brand new babysitting adventure. Elise happens to be the cutest little curly haired blondie I have ever seen, as well as the perfect child. However, being bilingual as a 2 year old is a challenge, because not only is it hard to understand a 2 year old, but it is much more difficult to understand a 2 year old who speaks some Dutch and some English but does not realize she is speaking both. So I read her a bedtime story in Dutch (I’m sure it was not read properly) and sent her off to sleep.

Sunday was a day of babysitting for Gwen and Drake. Drake had a fever and I learned to use my patience while trying to get him to fall asleep. Same good fun as it always is, of course, and then I slept at Andi and Holli’s house and went home in the morning.

Monday and Tuesday were school and play days….but Tuesday evening was a first for me. Ladies night out…much needed I might add…About 9 of the ISE wives gathered to play Bunko while eating junk food and chatting all evening. The conversations were quite interesting and gave us all a good laugh, and I left ….£15 = $30 richer than I arrived due to having the most ‘Bunkos’ It was a late night, but well worth the girl talk, freedom from children, and tasty wine.

Wednesday was back to Andy and Holli’s to babysit Gwen, Annaliese, Leah, Andrew, Casen, and Tristen. After a little hanging out with Holli after the troops parted, she and Andy headed off leaving me to my wee ones once again…this time Gwen and Drake were sleeping happily in their beds.

Thursday was school, swimming, and a night with me, Brittney and Sophie while Mom and Dad had small group. Movies, cereal, braiding hair….I know how to keep the wee ones happy.

Friday started out with a play date with Elise and Sophie, and then a sad goodbye as Cathy headed off for the weekend to leave me with Kevin and the kids. But of course when I am in charge, problems seem to be plentiful. So Sophie decided to get sick, and had a fever of 103 while refusing to eat. And of course as I am taking her temp, she decides to empty her stomach all over me as well as the table bench and herself. So cleaning up was fun and she ended up in the bath tub until Kevin got home. Then girls off to bed and it was time to try and relax. I definitely felt better about myself after Sophie informed her father that she didn’t want him to put her to bed she wanted Whitney. And then when she woke up getting sick to her stomach in bed, she called for me and not dad. But dad came to the rescue anyhow since it is impossible for me to hear her crying in my room. You are Welcome Kevin :o)

So today, Saturday is a day of cleaning up the mounds of laundry, dishes, toys, while juggling a sick child and play dates. Emily has been here to play with Britt, and is returning to spend the night this evening. Elise will come to play this evening as well, and I’m here alone all night with the girls. Its going to be a fun sleepover!

If it would only stop raining!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

another week goes by...too quickly

My roommate, Frank. he has been in my room for quite a while now, but we have an agreement that he will remain on the ceiling or wall and not come near me, my things, or was a great relationship but i was not the least bit upset when the wonderful Super Mom came and smashed Frank. Ok, a tear was shed but I'm over it.

Little Daisy. I don't like dogs much, but she is quite precious.

you pet her and she falls asleep....ohhh so stinkin cute.

This week was full of fun...

Saturday was the Perkin's (CAT) 75th anniversary celebration. We got to tour the plant as well as participate in the family fun adventure that was set up outside. There were "air jumpy things", carousels, teacups, a train, face painting, mini golfing, games, tractors, food....and much much more. If it had not rained we would have been able to enjoy the festivities much longer, but when in England, there is not much else that one can expect... So we went out to dinner at a family favorite restaurant, Frankie and Bennie's. It was quite exciting. It rained that evening, so Cathy and I took Sophie and the dogs on a walk where we allowed Sophie to jump in puddles. She had more fun that I have ever seen anyone have in mud puddles.
And dressing up is a constant entertainment at the Duffy house. Especially with Sophie.

Sunday was family day. Happy Father's Day Daddy Kevin. We attended a small group cookout for Father's Day. The group that Kevin and Cathy meet with weekly through the church is compiled of 4 couples from the neighborhood who all brought their families to hang out. It was very relaxing and great to meet more people from the area. And the girls had a great time playing with their friends. Emily is one of the young ones who lives down the way. She has become another kid in the family and a joy to be around.

Monday was SICK day here at the Duffy House. Two girls stayed home for the day with fevers. Lets just say, not fun! But there were lots of naps taken throughout the day...mostly Cathy and Daisy :o) forgive me :o)

And Tuesday it was back to school and a normal day for me and Cathy. But she and I went to Nene Park with Sophie Ann to play after she got out of school. It was great to relax a bit, while i got more practice driving.

Wednesday, I got to take Sophie to school all by myself. Yes i have driven before but never alone....and i made it to her school and back unassisted. Then Cathy had bookclub at Ahdonna's house. I drove with here there, then left to pick Sophie up from school. No TOMTOM to help me (that is a navigation device that everyone relies on here). Getting to the school was not a problem, but returning to Ahdonna's house was quite interesting since it is in a completely different area that I am not use to driving in. But after getting lost, and finding myself on a one lane road in the middle of a field, I used my amazing sense of direction to get back to Sophie's school and head out to attempt to find the correct exit on the roundabout. It was found, and we made it back to Ahdonna's. I was quite proud of myself. That night was babysitting for the Kiesers.

Thursday, Cathy and I went downtown and did a bit of shopping by the mall. The shops here are AMAZING and full of goodies. we also saw the Cathedral which is HUGE and beautiful. Pictures will come soon but it under construction right now so they pictures would not be very glamorous. After getting the girls from school, Suzanne came over for a play date and a bit of babysitting. Then it was off to Brittney's swim lessons, and a night with me and the girls. Ice Cream included!! They were wonderful.

Whitney's Daycare
And today, has been quite the week. A new family from the states is moving to town, so it is the duty of all the other ISE wives to take the newcomer out to lunch. but in order for this to be successful, someone has to watch all the children who are not in school....ME. I have mastered the 6 children....but today was a challenge. I had Gwen, Drake, Sophie, Eden, Kendall and Cameron (twins), Andrew, Casen, Triston, Leah, and Annalise....all under the age of 7. I never thought i could handle 11 children (not in a camp setting) and learn all of their names while attempting to keep them alive. It was quite amazing and full of entertainment, never a dull moment. I survived and then headed home to spend evening with my loves....Sophie and Brittney. And I definitely am ready for a night of rest.

Annalise eating the dinosaur....yummy yummy

Sophie and Kendall hanging out and having a good ole time

Kendall....I'm pretty sure she could pass as my own....and check out that beautiful Grin and big blue eyes (your girls are beautiful Amy!)

Kendall's twin sister Cameron with curls for days

Annalise, Tristen, Casen, and Andrew....four of the 5 children from one family...and they are expecting another in 6 months....You are my Hero Marti...and Drake is in the background chillin.

Sophie decided that the construction hats are like skates....I cannot believe i made it though a day of babysitting 11 kids and NO blood was shed....that is success

Casen acting like the pillow from the couch in a car....they DESTROYED Andy and Holli's house....I would normally say Sorry Holli, but I cleaned it up :o)

Eden, who didn't want her mom to leave, was attached to me the whole day. and a lunch time she decided it was fun to share her food with letting me see it. She is too cute for words.

Leah, mouth full of chips, decided to tell me how she felt about her sandwich....she didn't like it

Gwen, fresh from a nap and still willing to share her dolly....I think she was quite suprised to wake up to a house full of kids.

Who is that under that sheet.....the ghost of Whitney's Daycare......scary

OHHH It is just Sophie....and the cutest picture of her at that

A night in with me and the girls...Mom and Dad went out so we made cookies, watched Highschool Musical and ate popcorn before bed. They LOOOVE their big sister Whitney. And they are convinced that i really am a Duffy. They even tell people I am Whitney Duffy and Write Whitney Duffy on all of the picture they draw for me. It is quite the imagination they have.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Kids do the darndest all countries

Today is a babysitting day again. The Kiesers have Gwen and Drake who prove to be some of the most joyful and entertaining children I have ever met. But it seems it is always an adventure at their house. Last night Drake was not wanting to go to sleep until Mom and Dad came home...

Starting at noon, the fun began with Drake screaming and crying for at least 15 minutes until he realized that I am a fun babysitter and he just started laughing. I was like....did you have your eyes closed the last 15 minutes and not realize who I am? Oh children...

Gwen was a cuddly one today now that she is used to me.....she is honestly too cute for words and the priceless sight of her walking about with wet hair, a passie in her mouth, 4 other passies clenched in her fists, her blankie over her shoulder, and her pink Pajamas makes her all the more adorable. She is too cute...and bathtime was quite entertaining with her splashing about laughing so hard she could hardly breathe....lovin it

Drake then went to bed willingly this evening in his red pajamas, diaper and freshly brushed teeth....with a nice story before bed....however, when i went to check on him an hour after he went to bed, he was no longer wearing his diaper, and he had on blue pajamas....not quite sure how this happened, but i got a good laugh. Sorry Holli and Andy :o) I didn't want to wake him

But it is sleepover time and a fun filled morning with Holli and the kids, and then i shall be returned to my Duffy family. It's amazing how much i miss them when i have only been apart from them for 12 hours.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

First few days of babysitting.....

Over the weekend I attended a birthday party with the family and all of the other ISE families. There is a village called Borne that has a play place for the children. So the posse of children and dads ran thought the play house while the mothers chatted and entertained themselves. After the birthday party the Duffy family headed to lunch at a small cafe, and then did a little shopping in the cute store that were located in the down town area. Then Brittney had her first British sleepover with her friend Emily. They slept in the living room and 'stayed up all night long" which meant they fell asleep shortly after 10 PM.

Sunday morning we went to church at Peterborough Community Church which proved to be amazing. The church is very large and contemporary. The children go back into a separate service where they have a mini church with praise and worship as well as a message. I was quite impressed with the setup. The message in 'big' church began with praise and worship (mostly Hillsong music) and then the associate pastor preached on building a community. The message was intriguing and held my attention. He spoke of acceptance and building others up in order to gain trust and have a relationship that flourishes. I learned a lot about myself just from listening to the message.

Kevin and Cathy then went golfing with some friends while i stayed with the kids. (pictures below)

Monday was a normal day full of running to and from school, grocery shopping, chatting, cooking, and hanging out with the family.

Tuesday was babysitting day, as well as Today. (pictures below) But Cathy and I also took a nice walk today with the dogs. Nothing like 'girl talk' and beautiful weather. Makes me realize just how amazing the people are in my life, and makes me never want to go home :o)

Babysitting (day 1) while Mom's and Dad's went golfing.

Kayla, Kylie, and Brittney jumping on the trampoline in the Duffy's back yard....Duke likes to jump on the trampoline as well....

Duke and Kylie dancing together out back

Sophie looking out my window and being the cutie that she is....

Sophie on her swing where she played for 2 hours straight while talking to herself... like these make me love Children all the more.

Babysitting (day 2) while the Mom's had a Ladies Day and watched movies....I got all the kids who were not in school.

Sophie, Drake, and Eden watching the Wiggles. This was the day i had 6 kids all to myself while the moms had a ladies day! LOVED IT

Drake racing his truck with Blake....

Blake....not sure if he is winning or not, but he sure is a cutie

Sophie and I making silly faces...

This wee one could totally be my sister....and while I'm in England I am know and Whitney Duffy, the big one

Sophie and Eden playing in the back yard on the slides

Gwen playing in the Kitchen, and not quite sure if she wants me to be babysitting or not. She woke up from her nap and realized that I was NOT mommy who put her to sleep....woops

Babysitting (day 3) while Andy and Holli headed out with some friends for a Grownup day.

Me and Gwen after playing outside while trying to wake up from her nap....such a happy wee one.

Gwen and her little construction hat....

Staring me down while i was lying on the floor

Gwen has the cutest outfits as well as the cutest shoes, but for some reason she wanted to wear my shoes today....

Gwen...probably the most adorable wee one I know. She belongs to another family who is living in England and I have had the pleasure of babysitting her and her big brother Drake this week...Thanks Holli!!!!!

Sophie Ann taking a nap after a long day of playing with Drake and Gwen...

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Duffy House

everyone back home keeps asking about the Duffy House, so i took a few pictures as best I could in order to give you an idea. It is a beautiful house that I have grown to love! enjoy...

The Duffy's live on Kilverstone and this is the sweet street sign
the numbers 1-4 on Kilverstone....basically a big driveway off of a road, thats how all the streets are. Kilverstone has about 30 houses on the actual street, but they are divided into small sections. And then the Duffy's is at the end of the driveway. Absolutely beautiful.
This is the Kitchen....very large so i had to split it in two.

The Kids Playroom, which is attached to the living room....accent walls are popular here, so there is always one wall with a different color in a room. I love it!

The Conservatory, which is basically a sun room. But it overlooks the yard and deck. Here there are no screens on windows, so doors and windows are always open to get fresh air, and bugs are welcome. I have come to learn to ignore spider, but honestly bugs are not a huge problem here.

The Loo downstairs

Upstairs hallway which includes Sophie's room, Brittney's Room, a loo, and Kevin and Cathy's room...

Sophie's cute little room...Brittney's room is not pictured due to her lack of ability to clean :o) I'm working on her

One of the Loos

Kevin and Cathy's room....mostly their bed, but there is other stuff. haha

The Office which is across the hall from my bedroom.

The kids bathroom....yes this is called a bathroom because it is the only room with a bathtub....everything else is a loo. This is also next to my bedroom.

That is the Duffy house, minus a few rooms, and the backyard.....I'm lovin it.