Monday, August 30, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Leys

Laura got married at the end of August in Kenosha (over our anniversary weekend). We had a wonderful weekend celebrating.
Rehearsal dinner: Bridesmaids
The bride getting her hair done
Hair is done!!!!!
pre wedding entertainment
Laura and her flower girl
Lovin the beautiful weather
The best....Ashley
Wedding party....people risked their lives for this picture
Laura and Mikey on the Lake
The bustle....we rocked it
Ashley, Me, Laura, and Kim on the bus
Best date in the world....thanks for being a slave for the day. I could never do it without you :o)
Chi Omegas!!!!
Umm one of their gifts was a was hollowed out and this was a pic of the inside....the outside was covered with 'memories' haha. creepy enough i had to take a picture
Bride and Bridesmaid :o)

Micah and I ended the weekend with a trip to Six Flags Great America.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Current River

In august I took off a few days to enjoy fun and friends. We headed to Current River in Missouri to go camping and canoeing. It was an overall interesting experience. I was car sick most of the car ride down which made that a less than enjoyable adventure, but once we got to camp I was ok rather quickly. We were given a 'quiet' campsite at Jason's Place Campground....For those of you who go camping...i would not call it a 'campsite'. It was more of a piece of land that you would set up camp on if there was not other land in the woods....covered in rocks and walnuts and a hill that was about at a 60 degree slant. I decided to be a snot and say no thank you, and I'm glad i did...they moved us to a nice grassy campsite that was only a 20 degree slant. Thank you campground staff :o)

We set up camp and made dinner over the fire. Ok so we were not roughing it when it came to meals. Friday we had Zesty Italian Chicken and Vegetables made in a foil pouch....yummy Saturday we had cream of mushroom pork chops on a bed of rices with veggies also prepared in a foil pouch. On the river we had salad kabobs and lunch meat subs. Breakfast was grab and go both days :o)

We had great weather all weekend, it only rained a bit at night. The campsite bathrooms disgraceful....took public restrooms to a whole new level. really the woods would probably have been a better choice :o) And showers...well if you like to pay to take a shower in a nasty bathroom then fine, we chose the river and the car ride home was worse than the car ride there if you know what I mean.

Our good camp site :o)
The s'more that makes all your troubles go away....heavenly
Love him!
I was worried we would not fit...but we did
I guess the little guy got tired and decided to catch a ride
love this place
Our little Canoe that traveled the 16 miles with us...
Our partners in crime just enjoying the day
It was a beautiful day....Missouri has a lot to offer beauty wise.
He is lucky we never tipped due to his ornryness
Rednecks....hello Mullet (so you know, that is a woman)
This guy would stand and paddle, lay down and use his hands, and just chill....he was quite entertaining.
Redneck central....our school bus ride to the river. (read the sign)

Overall great trip....who wants to go with us next year?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

He's cute but he's trouble

Cooper keeps us on our toes....

Our yard seems to be the home of creatures. Bunnies and birds find it a great place to raise their young. And while I do enjoy seeing little baby creatures out becomes stressful when you have a puppy who doesn't understand that he cannot play with them. We first had problems when then bunnies set up shop. They do every year but we were hoping that having Cooper outside for a few months would send a hint that it was not the best idea to nest there....

Well before we knew their were bunnies Micah came home to find cooper digging like crazy....he smelt them but didn't realize they were the itty bitty balls of nothing in a little hole covered in bunny fur. So one did not survive the attack...and cooper never did realize that there were actually bunnies in there because he dug them all out and flung them behind him and kept on digging. Micah, knowing his wife would appreciate the love he showed the bunnies, placed the remaining 4 bunnies back in their hole and covered them. They lived and grew.

Cooper had been fenced into a smaller area in the back yard so he could have his space and the bunnies theirs. Then one day I came home from work to see cooper frolicking around the back took a second to realize he was roaming the Whole yard not just his little fenced in area. Yup, he got out. Not really sure how but he found the poor little bunnies. They were big enough to hop away but i think he was too quick for one of them. The other left the yard and now sleep on the outside of the fence. The bunny he had in his mouth however....poor bunny. I hold the thought that he really didn't mean to hurt it and was only playing with it like he does his stuffed animals. Not a mark on the sweet little thing so it either died of fright or he shook it too much. I only cried a little (I know I know get a life....but they are soooo cute you just feel bad).

I thought the nature drama was over until I saw this:
And these:
But I figured we were safe because they are in a tree...and Cooper cannot climb trees (not that we know of anyhow). But as the babies grew and decided to learn to fly....they proved me wrong. I let Cooper out thinking nothing of it and followed him because he seemed to be getting into trouble. As I walked over to him two little birdies took off.....and landed. And while they did coast nicely to the ground they were not skilled enough to fly back into the nest, out of the fence, or more than 2 feet. And really I would not have cared, but they decided to coast in two different directions. Puppies must think this is fun because he went from one bird to the other jumping and enjoying life. So if you are my neighbor you probably think I am nuts as you look out your window: Baby birds jumping about. A black streak (Cooper) running like mad in the yard. A lady screaming 'COOPER NO' and chasing the black thing (that is incredibly fast i might add). And you may think that was entertaining enough. But no, now we have 6-8 robin mommas who decided to take on the dog and lady and start dive bombing them while making their incredibly creepy bird shrieks. So now you have a dog going nuts. Two poor birds jumping about trying to stay safe. A bunch of birds trying to kill the dog and lady (they clearly didn't realize i was trying to help them and save their young. seriously ZERO appreciation). And a lady about in tears trying to catch the dog and not get attacked by the birds.

For your info...we all survived. Cooper got a nice spanking when he finally obeyed and came inside, and my Heart rate decreased after about an hour. Lord help me next spring/summer.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer fun when we have time

We worked a TON in fun was not very plentiful. But we did have a few moments of enjoyment. Fourth of July weekend we were able to sneak away with the Hirsteins and Millers for some boating fun. We went down to Clinton Lake and did a little knee boarding. It was a nice morning but the water was a bit rough. For my first time knee boarding I was not too bad. It was enjoyable but I preferred sitting in the boat enjoying sunshine :o) H.L. Did a great job teaching me and despite the attempts to spray me with water I would allow him to kneeboard with me again.
Tait seemed to have fun playing with his Thomas Trains and tuckered out after a short while. We were shocked he was able to sleep through the bumps. Kate and I got jarred quite a bit.
Thanks to Dr. Miller for letting us take his boat out without him :o)

Another fun adventure was the Hot Air Balloon Festival. We were invited by some of Micah's high school friends to enjoy the evening. Gene actually stood up in our wedding (I had never met him before then, pathetic I know). His wife Lindsay and I enjoy our time together as well, and often laugh at the boys and their identical thinking. The two of them together could possibly be trouble in the future.

The festival was fun, lots of interesting people watching, good carnie food...and lots of balloons.
Some balloons actually took off or landing in the field in front of us. Others just set up and then took town without taking flight.
It took us a while to figure out what some of the balloons were going to be once inflated. The polar bear we figured out after we saw its face take form....the balloon behind it is actually a shoe....that one took forever to figure out.
The shoe all lit up!

We always enjoy good times with friends!