Cooper keeps us on our toes....
Our yard seems to be the home of creatures. Bunnies and birds find it a great place to raise their young. And while I do enjoy seeing little baby creatures out becomes stressful when you have a puppy who doesn't understand that he cannot play with them. We first had problems when then bunnies set up shop. They do every year but we were hoping that having Cooper outside for a few months would send a hint that it was not the best idea to nest there....
Well before we knew their were bunnies Micah came home to find cooper digging like crazy....he smelt them but didn't realize they were the itty bitty balls of nothing in a little hole covered in bunny fur. So one did not survive the attack...and cooper never did realize that there were actually bunnies in there because he dug them all out and flung them behind him and kept on digging. Micah, knowing his wife would appreciate the love he showed the bunnies, placed the remaining 4 bunnies back in their hole and covered them. They lived and grew.
Cooper had been fenced into a smaller area in the back yard so he could have his space and the bunnies theirs. Then one day I came home from work to see cooper frolicking around the back took a second to realize he was roaming the Whole yard not just his little fenced in area. Yup, he got out. Not really sure how but he found the poor little bunnies. They were big enough to hop away but i think he was too quick for one of them. The other left the yard and now sleep on the outside of the fence. The bunny he had in his mouth however....poor bunny. I hold the thought that he really didn't mean to hurt it and was only playing with it like he does his stuffed animals. Not a mark on the sweet little thing so it either died of fright or he shook it too much. I only cried a little (I know I know get a life....but they are soooo cute you just feel bad).
I thought the nature drama was over until I saw this:
For your info...we all survived. Cooper got a nice spanking when he finally obeyed and came inside, and my Heart rate decreased after about an hour. Lord help me next spring/summer.
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