Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Best Brothers

I love all of my friends and family, but there are a couple men in my life (other than my sweet hubby) who I could not live without. Those two sweet friends are my brothers. They are the two people I have been able to count on since birth and even if I thought I would rather have had sisters growing up, I would not have traded them for anything. We had our ups and downs, including arguments, and full fledged fights (screaming, biting, hair pulling, and punching included: I can hold my own). I never thought I would consider these two terrors 'friends' but now I claim them as my best friends. We have not lived in the same house since I was 17, which might be one reason we are able to be friends. I am sure if we lived together we would drive each other nuts. For the last 6 years I have been state/country hopping so our friendship has relied on internet and phone...boy do I enjoy looking at my phone and seeing a message or an incoming call from the 'big' or the 'little'!
Me and the 'Big'....and his fine art work
Me and the little...enjoying nap time
All three: Zach, 12 yrs, Me, 9 yrs, Bryce, 4 yrs.
Fall 2006 Bryce, 14, Me, 20, Zach 24
My Wedding 2008: Bryce, 17, Me, 22, Zach, 26
Zach's Swearing in with the Police Department and graduation (2009) Me, 23, Zach 26, Bryce 18

Now we all live closer (within 2 hours of one another), with Bryce away at school in Macomb and Zach living in Peoria it is nice to know that we are within driving distance. Although I find our sibling dates too few and far between, I appreciate then when they are possible....which makes the holiday season a little more bearable for me. So for Thanksgiving, my sweet Little Bubba was home from school and we were able to enjoy a much needed sibling date (times 3)! So we enjoyed some Basta's, a movie, some holiday festivities, and a sibling photo shoot. All of which was full of laughter, story time, and just enjoying time with one another.

I love watching my brothers grow up :o) I worry about them more than I do anyone else and cannot stand when they are going through hard times. I would drop my whole world and even be willing to mess up my schedule (thats a HUGE deal) if they ever needed me.

I know I have blogged about both Bryce (here and here) and Zach (here and here) and how proud they make their big/little sister, but i needed to blog once more to say how truly thankful I am to have them in my family. I would deal with all the fighting, tormenting, and crazy 'i hate you' moments from our childhood time and time again knowing that they make my life complete. I just wish I knew then what I know now...because back then I swore we would never be close. How wrong I was.
NOW: Zach, 27, Me, 24, Bryce 19
So brothers, I love you more than I could ever put in words. Bryce, I am so proud of you and cannot wait until you finish college so you can come home and live close to me (or with me if you can't afford rent). Zach, I know you have had a stressful year with work, but your positive attitude and ability to go with the flow is truly admirable. I love you no matter what city you are working for, as long as you are close :o) Thanks for being wonderful brothers and loving me always.

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