Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Fun.

The weather had been rather crappy over the first few weeks of fall, so we took advantage of the first beautiful day. Pat and Adonia are from South Carolina (here with CAT). They don't know many people in the area, if anyone :o) so we have adopted them into our family. Well....Micah has made Pat his new BFF, and Adonia and I get brought along so they don't look like lovers. Haha Good thing I like you Miss Adonia!!!

We have enjoyed the Pumpkin Festival together, movies, dinner, and last weekend we went bowling together. The boys showed up wearing the same joke it is a strage stange bond they have. And although we had fun bowling, I wanted to be outside. (I am absolutely horrible at bowling and a poor sport to top it off) So This weekend we decided to go to Apple Blossom Farm and enjoy the fun Orchard events.
We went through the corn maze and had a blast. Although there is no end to the corn maze, as you exit the entrance, they do have 32 trivia questions you have to find in the maze. We found all of them but it took 2 hours. Not that we got lost, Adonia and I are quite the navigators, but teeny boppers found it fun to move the questions or simple throw them into the corn so they could not be found. But our boys ventured through the corn to find the hidden questions and put them back where they belong. And when they left the side of their wives they would simply yell Marco Polo and hope we responded so they could find their way back to us. It was quite eventful.

We also played with the goats, sheep, Donkey, and bunnies...and Pat played on the swings. Then we made sure to have some hot apple cider and apples before we headed home. It was such a beautiful Fall day. Thanks for sharing your happy souls with us :o)

*Someone needs to pop out a baby so we can fill the piggy face next year when we go back :o) Hint Hint it's NOT gonna be us so Pat and Adonia better get working :o) You have 3 months to accomplish this.

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