Step one. Admit you have a problem.
Step two. Embrace it!
Confession: This post really does have a point, but it doesn't really have much to do with Facebook. Actually other than the fact that Facebook brought me to this post, it has nothing to do with it at all.
Just a little plug while I am at it... One great thing about
Facebook is the networking. I must say, I originally got a
Facebook account in order to 'be a college student', but now I can say F
acebook is a blessing. Yes it can be time consuming however, it helps people reconnect, stay connected, and enjoy messages here and there. So, as annoying as I find all of the apps, stalkers, constant changes, friend requests from people you don't know, and news feed...I still say "I love you
One to the real Post:
When i was a young one I was a part of a group that formed my core friends as well as 99% of my childhood memories. This group was no ordinary was put on by mothers who put their creativity to work to serve their children. And to all those mothers I am forever grateful.
The Sunshine Club.
You laugh but this was serious business. We had a theme song (that i can still sing parts of), scheduled activities, crafts, field trips, and activities galore. We even had nick names and t-shirts. I am telling you, this was not some 'play date' where the kids run around like mad and the mothers sit a watch with smiles on their faces and chat about life. This was a CLUB. With creativity at it's finest.
I remember random bits from our gatherings and the rest of the memories are fueled by photo books. One activity was held at the Paluska house where we used Ice cream containers to make astronaut helmets and went to space on their back deck. I am talking real deal activities here. (With real ice cream cartons like they have at ice cream parlors that they scoop the yummy goodness out of and place it nicely in the cone for the customers to enjoy...side note (i have cravings ok)) Any how. We would have massive Easter Egg hunts. Awards ceremonies. I think we still have the gardening gloves gone Old McDonald's Farm...Puff ball animals were made and then placed on the fingers of gloves. (creative mothers remember) There were many other fabulous activities but those will have to wait until I can scan pictures to put with the stories.
One group that grew off of this Club was our Secret Santa. Started out small but soon became a Germantown Hills Neighborhood Hit. I cannot remember how many family we had or how many years it lasted, but i sure remember the events. Each family would get put in a bucket and then everyone would draw a family to surprise over the holidays. I think we did this for a week with different gifts each night. I remember waiting anxiously for our Secret Santa to surprise us but we were always fooled by how they actually got the gift to us. Back deck, front porch, mailbox...however they got it to us we didn't care. Delivering gifts was also fun. I am surprised cops were not called more often as we would creep down streets in all black. Drive around without headlights. Wander around peoples property....oh the joys of SS. At the end of the week we would get together and have a huge potluck and talk about all the great stuff we got...and then guess who had our family. Too much fun. One year we KNEW who our family was because my brother actually snatched up one of their kids and brought him into our house. They were new to SS and I am not sure if they participated again after that event. I just remember mom saying "let him go...". Have i mentioned we were terror children growing up?
Anyhow....we had a great group of families and friends. These people would do anything for anyone else in our group. I am grateful for ALL of them and no matter how much time passes it is still a joy to hear about everyone growing up, getting married, having kids of their own...I am sure all of our parents are secretly hoping we start Sunshine clubs of our own.
We had a reunion a few years back...(am i repeating myself too much if i say yet again this was serious business?)
Anyhow, Facebook ties into this because it has brought most of our Sunshiners back together. And has given me something to blog about.
**One member of this group is also getting a little advertisement from me due to her incredible talent. Miss Becky started her own business that any mother would LOVE...or anyone who loves bags :o) So, new moms, expectant moms, someday moms, or friends of moms....check these beauties out:
You can mix match, create, and ENJOY diaper bags or hand bags made by the wonderful Becky. The best part...her business is non-profit. So have a look and feel free to take part in her organization. I can promise i will be sporting a Better Life Bag when our family grows....or if I convince the hubby I'm in need of a new handbag.